This is the main interface of the SM-SPSA algorithm.

You can set all SM-SPSA parameters with this script and then run the algorithm. Below, all parameters are discussed. The input data section on the SM-SPSA website also contains more information on the required input data.

  • SEED_VALUE (int) – The seed value of the pseudo-random number generator for generating the random perturbations. It cannot be the same as SEED_LAYOUT.

  • SEED_LAYOUT (int) – The seed value for the layout of a network plot. It cannot be the same as SEED_VALUE.

  • CRN_GENERATOR (str) – The type of pseudo-random number generator that should be used. It should be either “Generator” for using NumPy’s default or “RandomState” for NumPy’s legacy generator.

  • MATRICES_DIRECTORY (str) – The folder, relative to the ROOT_DIRECTORY (automatically determined), where the input matrices are located.

  • OUTPUT_DIRECTORY (str) – The folder, relative to the ROOT_DIRECTORY (automatically determined), where the algorithm output should be saved if SAVE_OUTPUT=True.

  • ALGORITHM_RUN_TYPE (str) – Whether you want to run a single instance (“single”) or multiple instances (“multiple”) with the algorithm.

  • HEURISTIC_TYPE (str) – Either “no_heuristic” if you do not want to use an heuristic or “centred_mass” if you want to use the centred mass heuristic. This variable is also used to define RUN_PARAMETERS_FILE_NAME, RUNNING_TIME_FILE_NAME and NETWORK_PLOT_FILE_NAME.

  • INSTANCE_NAME (str) – The name of the network instance that you want to optimise. If ALGORITHM_RUN_TYPE="multiple", a suffix “_i” (where i is the instance number), is automatically added when reading the data. This to facilitate running the algorithm consecutively on multiple instances. Note that the actual filenames should contain this suffix. Thus, the first instance has suffix “_0”, the second “_1”, etc. This variable is also used to define M_FILE_NAME, C_FILE_NAME, RUN_PARAMETERS_FILE_NAME, RUNNING_TIME_FILE_NAME and NETWORK_PLOT_FILE_NAME.

  • M_FILE_NAME (str) – The name of the file that contains the initial transition matrix that is optimised. If ALGORITHM_RUN_TYPE="multiple", it should not contain the suffix “_i” (where i is the instance number), since this is automatically added when reading the data.

  • C_FILE_NAME (str) – The name of the file that contains the binary adjustment matrix containing 0/1 indicating whether element [i,j] can be optimised (1) or not (0). If ALGORITHM_RUN_TYPE="multiple", it should not contain the suffix “_i”, (where i is the instance number) since this is automatically added when reading the data.

  • INSTANCE_PARAMETERS_FILE_NAME (str | None) – The name of the file that contains the instance parameter table if ALGORITHM_RUN_TYPE="multiple". Otherwise, it should be None. All networks that are present in this table will be optimised.

  • RUN_PARAMETERS_FILE_NAME (str) – The name of the file where the run parameters will be saved if SAVE_OUTPUT=True.

  • RUNNING_TIME_FILE_NAME (str) – The name of the file where the running times will be saved if SAVE_OUTPUT=True.

  • CENTRED_MASS_START (bool) – Whether the centred mass start is used (True) or not (False). It is automatically set based on the value of HEURISTIC_TYPE.

  • MAXIMISE_OBJECTIVE (bool) – Whether the objective should be maximised (True) or minimised (False).

  • GAME_TYPE (str) – The game type of the instance. Either “regular” (optimising a single node) or “hyperlink” (optimising a hyperlink objective function).

  • OBJECTIVE_INDICES (list[int] | None) – A list that contains the node that will be optimised if ALGORITHM_RUN_TYPE="single". Otherwise, it should be None.

  • MEMORY_OPTIMISED (bool) – Whether the memory optimised version of the algorithm is used (True) or not (False). The main difference is that the output matrices are not stored for each iteration, instead only the matrices of the last iteration are stored. This version is especially useful for large networks.

  • DECR_NR_OBJ_EVAL (bool) – Whether the number of objective value evaluations should be decreased (True) or not (False). This option is only available if MEMORY_OPTIMISED=True.

  • OBJ_EVAL_ITERATION (int | None) – If DECR_NR_OBJ_EVAL=True, the objective value is calculated every OBJ_EVAL_ITERATION``th iteration starting at iteration 0. Otherwise, it should be ``None.

  • NR_ITERATIONS_TYPE (str) – Whether a fixed number of algoritihm iterations (“fixed”) or a variable number of iterations depending on the instance size (“variable”) should be used. If NR_ITERATIONS_TYPE="variable", the number of iterations is set to the size of the transition matrix squared times``NR_ITERATIONS_FACTOR``. If ALGORITHM_RUN_TYPE="single", only the “fixed” version can be used.

  • NR_ITERATIONS_FIXED (int | None) – If NR_ITERATIONS_TYPE="fixed", it specifies the number of algorithm iterations that are performed. Otherwise, it should be None.

  • NR_ITERATIONS_FACTOR (int | None) – If NR_ITERATIONS_TYPE="variable", the number of iterations is set to the size of the transition matrix squared times``NR_ITERATIONS_FACTOR``. Otherwise, it should be None.

  • EPSILON (float) – The value of the constant gain size.

  • INVERSE_ZERO (float) – If the initial transition matrix contains zeroes or ones, these values are replaced by INVERSE_ZERO and 1-INVERSE_ZERO, respectively, to ensure numerical feasibility.

  • USE_TIME_LIMIT (bool) – Whether a time limit should be used (True) or not (False) for running the algorithm.

  • TIME_LIMIT_SEC (float | None) – If USE_TIME_LIMIT=True, it specifies the running time of the algorithm in seconds. Otherwise, it should be None.

  • NETWORK_PLOT_FILE_NAME (str) – The name of the file where the network plots will be saved if PlOT_NETWORK=True and SAVE_OUTPUT=True. Note that a suffix “_start” and “_final” will be added for the network plot of the initial and the optimised transition matrix, respectively.

  • GRAPH_COLOURS (list[str]) – A list with the colours that are used for the network plot. The first colour is for edges that cannot be adjusted, the second for edges that can be adjusted.

  • COLOUR_MAP (matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap) – The colour map that should be used to color the nodes of the network plot according to their stationary distribution value.

  • EDGE_FACTOR (int) – The factor with which the weights of the edges should be multiplied for determining the edge width of the network plot.

  • PLOT_NETWORK (bool) – Whether the network plots should be created (True) or not (False). A plot is created of the initial and the optimised network.

  • PLOT_MATRICES (bool) – Whether the various matrix plots should be created (True) or not (False). This option is only available if MEMORY_OPTIMISED=False.

  • PLOT_OBJECTIVE (bool) – Whether the objective value should be plotted (True) or not (False).

  • SAVE_OUTPUT (bool) – Whether the output should be saved (True) or not (False).