
plot_functions.plot_stat_dist(stationary_distributions: ndarray, USE_COLOURS: bool, ALGORITHM_PARAMETERS: dict[str, Any]) None#

Plots the stationary distribution at each iteration.

  • stationary_distributions (np.ndarray) – The stationary distribution of all nodes at each iteration.

  • USE_COLOURS (bool) – Whether specific colours that make it easier to recognize the nodes should be used (True) or not (False). Only possible if networks are used of at most size 5x5.

  • ALGORITHM_PARAMETERS (dict[str, Any]) – The algorithm parameters. The parameters SAVE_OUTPUT, INSTANCE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY and CURRENT_INSTANCE_NAME are at least necessary. See for parameter explanations. Note that INSTANCE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY and CURRENT_INSTANCE_NAME are set in the methods of