
plot_functions.plot_network(M_start: ndarray, M_final: ndarray, C: ndarray, plot_name: str, ALGORITHM_PARAMETERS: dict[str, Any]) None#

Plots the network before and after the optimization.

  • M_start (np.ndarray) – The initial transition matrix.

  • M_final (np.ndarray) – The optimised transition matrix.

  • C (np.ndarray) – The binary adjustment matrix.

  • plot_name (str) – The name of the network plot if it is saved. Note that a suffix “_start” and “_final” will be added for the network plot of the initial and the optimised transition matrix, respectively.

  • ALGORITHM_PARAMETERS (dict[str, Any]) – The algorithm parameters. The parameters SEED_LAYOUT, COLOUR_MAP, EDGE_FACTOR, GRAPH_COLOURS, SAVE_OUTPUT and INSTANCE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY are at least necessary. See for parameter explanations. Note that INSTANCE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY and CURRENT_INSTANCE_NAME are set in the methods of