Objective values#

The objective value at each iteration. This data set is saved as a CSV file with name Objective_values_CURRENT_INSTANCE_NAME if SAVE_OUTPUT=True in a folder named according to INSTANCE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY. The ith row represents the objective value of the (i-1)th iteration. In the example below, the objective values at the first and third iterations are equal to 0.322 and 0.389, respectively. The objective value at the 0th iteration (i.e., the first value), represents the start objective value.

If a time limit is used by setting USE_TIME_LIMIT=True and the time limit has passed before the optimisation has been finished, the last objective value that has been calculated by the algorithm is the last objective value of the data set, i.e., an additional objective value calculation is not performed. This is relevant if DECR_NR_OBJ_EVAL=True.

Example objective value data set.#




